No xml-output for ?debug
This is an open discussion with 5 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
If you are using the latest 2.0.4 release, you do need to enable the Debug DevKit extension. Is this enabled?
@henkjanc Can you move the phpinfo data to and then publish the link here?
Do what bauhouse said, may be this your problem.
I will do so. No, I didn’t install the Debug DevKit. I used git for my installation. I didn’t know that that one comes without all the extenstions required for developing. The .zip-version now works. Thanks
Make sure to look closely at the instructions. When using git, you’ve got to include the submodules.
Maybe for the future we could have this forum display a note hinting to pastie if a user is trying to post more than x lines. :-)
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Hello everybody, I installed Symphony on my fedora-linux-machine without much trouble. CMS running fine (with RewriteEngine ) and my hello-world page-template renders as expected.
Only I never got the ?debug XML-output to work, which is important for development.
The page produces just the rendered HTML, not the XML What am I doing wrong?
My configuration: Fedora linux: Mysql: 5.0.45 PHP/5.2.6 Apache:2.2 libXML 2.6.32 libxslt Version 1.1.24 libxslt compiled against libxml Version 2.6.32