edit log
This is an open discussion with 7 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
How about having a page history? At several occasions I accidently hit the save button and lost a bunch of code I did not intend to remove.
yeah wiki-style
Yeah, I'll second a symphony-level versioning system. That would be very nice.
I believe in the past the team found it to complex and advised to use your own svn...versioning would also ask for approval (for publish, by head editor) mechanisms and could become bloated, or not?
The issue with me isn't so much tracking changes to entries (I suppose I could set that up myself with a custom backend, and yeah that would get bloated i bet) but to be able to stage Pages. I want a clean way to be able to modify a draft version of a Page while there is a current live version published on the front end. In 1.7, I've been running separate installs with separate DBs, then updating the DB incrementally. Very awkward and kind of nerve-wracking.
indead maybe staging (preview admin, and publish state) together with a last changed at...date would be just the right amount of features without bloating....
I've already brought this up, but they're not interested in it for the core. Perhaps an extension: http://symphony21.com/forum/discussions/39/1/
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When prototyping and returning to an install I found myself looking which page was the one with the latest code. Wouldn't it be usefull to be able to see in the backend when and by which user any changes were made?