
My language system is laid out to provide an XML list of items and their translations for various text around the page, but I seem to be having a weird problem. It has worked fine since I first got it retrieving the languages, but now if I add extra fields and fill them in - they don’t appear in the XML.

<entry id="119">
        <job-list-help handle="job-list-help">Job List Help</job-list-help>
        <oral-welsh-skills handle="oral-welsh-skills">Oral Welsh Skills</oral-welsh-skills>
        <written-welsh-skills handle="written-welsh-skills">Written Welsh Skills</written-welsh-skills>
        <job-reference handle="job-reference">Job Reference</job-reference>
        <job-list handle="job-list">Job List</job-list>
        <next handle="next">Next</next>
        <back handle="back">Back</back>
        <job-term handle="job-term">Job Term</job-term>
        <closing-date handle="closing-date">Closing Date</closing-date>
        <location handle="location">Location</location>
        <job-title handle="job-title">Job Title</job-title>
        <company handle="company">Company</company>
        <salary handle="salary">Salary</salary>
        <apply handle="apply">Apply</apply>
        <search handle="search">Search</search>
        <more-information handle="more-information">More Information</more-information>
        <page handle="page">Page</page>
        <language handle="english">English</language>

There should be a twitter element in there, and one for latest jobs. I’ve checked the limit on the DS, but I’ve set it to 1000, so it’s not limited by that. Is the XML being cached or somesuch? Where have my fields gone?

If you add extra fields to a section, you have to select them for output when editing the DS.

Huh, the box with the fields was blank until I clicked in it. Very odd!

Are you using Safari? I’ve noticed similar issues with the select box in it.

I am indeed. I wonder if the same happens in Chrome, any windows users experienced the same?

I’m jumping back and forth between Mac and Windows versions of Safari and have experienced the same. On Windows, the issue also appears with a missing scrollbar, but the scrollbar background extends visibly outside of the multiselect box border. It does appear to be a strange WebKit bug. Haven’t tried Chrome, though.

Has anyone seen this on anything other than Symphony? I’ve used multi-select boxes on other sites and haven’t seen this behaviour. Just wondering what could be triggering it.

Edit: Hmm, I can’t seem to reproduce this in my version of Safari any more. Safari 4.0.2 on 10.5.7

I haven’t yet experienced this outside of Symphony, but that’s not saying much, since I spend most of my time inside it.

Regarding what triggers this: when nothing is selected in the multiselect box, it appears to be fine. As soon as an option is selected, the width of the select element increases, pushing the scrollbar below the select element. This will only happen when there are enough XML elements to overflow the select box.

Huh, the box with the fields was blank until I clicked in it. Very odd!

I think the Safari problem is related to admin.js and the way content is hidden or shown based on the section selection. Maybe this should be put on the bug tracker …

That makes sense, since this behaviour doesn’t happen anywhere else in the interface. The same type of multiple select box for selecting data sources in Blueprints : Pages does not suffer from the same behaviour, so it makes sense that it’s probably coming from the JavaScript. Added issue to GitHub.

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