
So I just waited over 2 weeks to hear back from Network Solutions about installing LibXSLT or Sablotron. They told me that they cannot submit my request to install the libraries because they are unsure of its impact on their other customers. Damn them. Where I am working now is prepaid with them until 2010. I wish everyone would be willing to jump on the bandwagon.

Ouch. Long-term commitment to a web host is terrifying. I've burned through dozens...

Yeah, me too. All five times I spoke with them on the phone the suggested I upgrade the account to a dedicated account that allows for root access. Problem is the packages for that are 4 times as much a month. I'm not putting up with that crap. Of all the hosts to prepay with though, you'd expect to be able to prepay with Network Solutions. I personally would never go with them, but you'd expect to be okay.

Looks like we're going to be on the market for a new host.

Network Solutions was actually my very first host. They sucked, and I left after only a few months....

Good luck in your search.

Netfirms is a no go as well.

try Media Temple. Their GridServer is nice and should easily run S2. Or I've heard good things about Or if you are a little more UNIX saavy... try hosting with Slicehost. They are amazing! But you have to setup your LAMP install. (since it is a virtual dedicated service)

I've got several domains on Media Temple, with two Symphony 2 installs purring along nicely...

i think my friends are about to get a sponsorship with media temple that will be a dv setup and will then be home to their new flash site running off of s2 =)

also... if you want to test out symphony2 on a free server, you can run it at I usually don't recommend FREE hosting (stability), but if you want to test it out, this is a good place to test it. But then, you'll definitely want to move a more stable paid host.

@@bzerangue: Thanks for the recommendation on that free host. I signed up for an account just so I could fool around with Symphony 2.

Damn I hate Network Solutions. Their solution to installing the XSLT processor libraries is updgrading my account to a Virtual Private Server. And their packages are firm. They can't work out any other packages that are smaller. So basically, if I want to be able to use Symphony 2, I have to pay an extra $30.00 a month. I'm paying $10 a month now. And if I were to go with someone else, there is a $30 free to cancel the 1 year prepay with them.

Any one have any other hosts they'd recommend that are for sure Symphony 2 compatible?

If you want to be truly in control, try, it's a reasonably prices VPS service. A few people around here are using it, and there's even a support channel on the same IRC network that the Symphony channel is on: #slicehost

Personally I'm using the 256 slice, it's the cheapest at $20 per month, but I can do whatever I want with it, without limits.

I might end up going with Media Temple with one of their Grid Service packages. I found it for $14.17/mo for a year prepaid with a coupon code giving 15% off.

Has anyone had experience with Media Temple and/or their grid service packages?

And who would like me to use them as a referral?

As I said above, I've got several domains on MT's grid servers and have been very happy so far. Two of them are running development sites on Symphony 2.

Oh, and I'd be happy to take the referral :) though bzerangue was the first to mention it, so maybe should get right of first refusal...

In any case, the domain is:

Give czheng the referral, i no longer have an account with Media Temple since I moved everything to my Slicehost account. Don't get me wrong, I loved my Media Temple account, but I only needed one main account and Slicehost met all of my needs. You'll love Media Temple though. They are a great host... plus they have great customer support.

Is symphony not recommended for a shared hosting environment?

Also how easy would it be for a mid level competent IT guy to get symphony up and running on slicehost? possibly using an Ubuntu 9.10 distro on a 256 slice.. I know Ubuntu fairly well, just not sure what to expect if I delve into the root level access on this service!


Is symphony not recommended for a shared hosting environment?

Shared hosts are just fine, provided they are running PHP 5.2 and have LibXSL installed. Mine is running on All Inkl (a german hoster) and a shared host package.

I use dodgy, dodgy DreamHost for all of my Symphony sites without a single issue. They used to have a bad name, but I’ve had nothing to complain about in the 2 years I’ve been hosting with them.

Here’s the list of compatible web hosts from the old Symphony Wiki. This in no way is a complete list of hosts, but it might help.

Thanks for this.. setup a byethost account to test with and see if it’s worth going with..

Also slicehost looks like a popular option with some on the forum.. just wondering if I did not want root access etc if installing appache and php5 libraries was achieveable without much knowledge?



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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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