
Hi all,

Firstly thanks for reading this, as I am fairly new to Symphony and have been finding it incredibly powerful and straight forward to develop with so far, but have hit a few snags that I am hoping someone can help me with.

So I have a client who requires user syndicated content to be uploaded, including a multiple number of images (probably capped at 10). Content is basic, name, body copy, email, and images will require title, image and publish toggle.

Now from doing some research on these forums, I figured the easiest way to tackle this would be to use a form with multiple actions, 1) save the article, 2) upload the images with allow multiple set on in the event and some JavaScript goodness in the background to allow for the image upload fields to be added while filling out the form. Easy, and seems to work lovely. Only issue is, of course I need these images to be linked to the article also being created. Long story short, I have explored trying to create Delegates that are fired after the “EventPreSaveFilter”, etc and fill in the fields[0][‘article’] value to the last insert id, but these occur after all the images and articles have been created, so I am kind of scratching my head to figure out a solution.

I am probably being a little to vague for anyone to really be able to help, but hopefully one of the geniuses on here will have the answer. :)

Thanks in advance.

Welcome Tropica,

Depending on what you had in mind for your user interface, you will probably not need to work with delegates to meet your needs. First: are your content submitters using Symphony’s admin backend (ie …) or are you creating frontend pages for them to submit their content on?

If you are using the backend, have you taken a look at Nil’s Mediatek extension? It functions quite well for assigning multiple images to a single article/entry. If you are creating the submission form on the frontend, then you could still do something similar. In that case, you will probably want to look at the EventEx extension, which will let you edit multiple sections in a single frontend event form. Good luck & keep us posted!

Hi Andrew, thanks for replying I really appreciate your time.

I actually hadn’t seen the EventEx extension before, but after taking your advice and having a look at it this morning, it pretty much offers solutions to all the issues I was encountering, all except one so far. :)

Basically my content submitters will be doing their submitting from a front end page anonymously, not through the Symphony admin itself. I put together a quick little test form, that simulates what I will eventually need to use, and it works perfectly fine with a single file upload, but I am having issues when adding a second upload field with the [n] predicate.

After submitting I receive the ”Image’ is a required field’ dialogue for each file field, although they do exist in the form and I am submitting with files attached. Hopefully I am just missing something very simple.

Thanks again, Michael

Having trouble pasting the form in here within a code block, I’ll see if I can get a link up soon.

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