Duplicate pages
This is an open discussion with 4 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
Seconded :)
This took us about 5 min to decide. It's a good idea. :)
Except it will be a "Save As New" button on the pages form instead of a with-selected action, since duplicating before editing will likely cause anomalies on your front-end. This way it can also be used for sections, entries, data sources, authors, etc.
Woo yes. I was going to suggest a "Clone" action for Data Sources. Looking forward to this.
Great idea... Just last night I was wishing I could do this.
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Feature request!
Wouldn't it be great if you could select pages and with the selected ones "Duplicate" (like you can select and Delete), so all DS, XSL and stuff is copied to new pages?
Any comments?