
I don´ t mean the google extension thingy, i mean a real search function?

There is more than one way to go about it. You can start by checking out the following thread: Implementing Search.


Thanks for the link. The link says there is no search function. The developers spend a lot of time in this project, but forgot (?) a search function. Prove me wrong, but to be a serious blog engine, it must have a search function. ( … my two cents …)

@asdfgqw: it really depends what you mean by search function. Symphony provides all of the tools required to build a comprehensive search. How you do it is your choice.

Prove me wrong, but to be a serious blog engine, it must have a search function

As the Implementing Search thread discusses, Symphony is not just a “blog engine”, it is a website content management system whereby you can define any data structures you like. Hence the differentiation between horizontal and vertical search.

“Search” is a difficult concept since each site will need search implemented in slightly different ways. It depends entirely on what you want to search and what type of filters you want to use.

As Joe suggests — Symphony provides the tools.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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