

I'm currently trying to install Symphony under Leopard. While it was no problem to get Symphony up and running under Linux, the install under Mac OS X is quite complicated. But I guess this reffers more to the installation of a general web development environment (e.g. Apache, PHP, MySQL etc.) than to Symphony itself... Why is this so complicated with a Mac? I mean, there's Unix under the hood...

Okay, rant stop, here's the problem: I can't get a connection to the MySQL-Databse.

Here's what I did:

  • Install MySQL 5 with MacPorts (According to this post:
  • Changed root password
  • Create a database
  • browse to install.php
  • fill out the form

But Symphony won't connect to the database. MySQL is up and running, and I can connect to it via MySQL Admin, so I guess MySQL itself is set up correctly.

Only thing that could be possibly different: I connect via /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock. Could this be the reason why Symphony does not connect?

Great progress on Symphony by the way!


Meanwhile, I changed the socket to /tmp/mysql.sock because I thought this would be some sort of "default" socket, but no success. Symphony still does not connect. As I said, I have no problems to connect with software tools MySQL Admin or MySQL Query Browser.

All right, I've got it!

I forgot to change the MySQL-socket value in php.ini! Changed it to

mysql.default_socket = /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock ,

now Symphony connects to the db!

Other Issues I had with Leopard:

Apache wouldn't mod_rewrite; all pages except of index were not found. Fix:

  • open /private/etc/apache2/users/yourusername.conf

  • change the lines

    Options Indexes MultiViews

    AllowOverride None


    Options All

    AllowOverride All

  • Restart apache (terminal): sudo apachectl restart

Have you tried MAMP?

No, read about it, but never tried. I don't know, somehow I'm eager to do it without it. Leopard ships with Apache and PHP5, so why not use it? I used Linux befor switching to Mac, so perhaps it's old habits... But thanks for the tip!

There are 3 reasons why I prefer MAMP as for local development:

  1. Easy to set up - All the necessary server files and components are conveniently located in one folder.
  2. Self contained - some applications interact with the web component of the operating system, I like having a piece of mind that what I'm doing isn't undoing something else.
  3. Development friendly - MAMP has a dashboard widget and a cocoa control panel for restarting the server, a useful tool when low-level development causes the server to lock-up.

I fought tooth and nail with OS X's apache and MySQL every time I needed to do an update. Then, I got MAMP, and everything was easy. I'd suggest it.

Problem: I just tried Symphony with MAMP. It could not connect to MySQL on port 8889 which is the default MySQL port in MAMP.

Solution: use port 8888 in symphony installation. Why: I don't know :)

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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