Last Edited By Field
This is an open discussion with 2 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
Although I don't time to create this now, I can point you in the right direction. It would essentially be the same as an Input field, however the value would not be dictated by the form value, but rather the logged in user like you suggest. So, with that in mind, to get a basic field working you would need to copy the field.input.php
file and rename is appropriately. Then change the processRawFieldData()
function to ignore $data
variable and instead use $this->_engine->Author->get('id');
or something similar. You should change appendFormattedElement()
function to give you more details in the XML
, ala the author field.
See how you go.
Thanks Alistair. Seems like we're on the same boat -- as far as time. Good luck to us both.
You instructions are straight forward so I'll implement it later on this week. Thanks.
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I am planning to have multiple authors working on content for the site. Aside from adding an Author field (where they can change who is the author), has anyone made an Last Edited By field that uses the current logged in Author account and saves to the entry that author.