404 on pages with params
This is an open discussion with 3 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
check your .htaccess (if it's there). If it's missing, you won't notice it on the site index (b/c its running the index.php) but you will on sub pages. Funny, I just had the same problem 10 minutes ago...
Hay, thanks for your reply
The .htaccess file is in the root and look’s ok. I checked apache and AllowOverride is set to “All”. So, I think that’s good. But I still have the problem. :(
Got it!
LoadModule rewritemodule modules/modrewrite.so was not loaded in Apache.
Cheers, P
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Hi, I’m running Symphony 2 on a new PC and I’m getting a strange problem. Whenever I requesting a page with params I’m getting a 404.
http://localhost/install.php (works fine. does a great install)
http://localhost/ (works fine after install. I’m seeing the demo site)
http://localhost/symphony/publish/articles/ (gives a ‘real’ 404, not the symphony redirect 404)
http://localhost/articles/a-primer-to-symphony-2s-default-theme/ (gives a ‘real’ 404, not the symphony redirect 404)
Anybody got an idea why this is happening here?
Thank you, Peter