

I’m really new to Symphony but I can’t find it anywhere. How do I upload an image to use in an article? Or must I manually upload it to my server?

Thanks in advance?

There are several different ways to upload pictures.

You can either append a file upload field to your articles section (this will limit you to one picture per article) or create a section solely for pictures and upload it there and use the mediathek 2 extension (to pull it into the articles section or paste the code in the article text field).

Welcome to Symphony, radeks!

You need to add a file upload field to the section you want to upload images to.

Have a look at the documentation for fields and field types. That’s where you’ll find some information about the core file upload field. If you need something more advanced, have a look a the extensions overview.

I already found out, under Sections -> Image I had to disable ‘Remove this section from the publish menu’. Thanks anyway.

Just as a note: This is just the way the standard workspace works. You have different options for image upload and handling which you can implement depending on your needs - the solution present in the standard workspace is just one out of many.

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