
I have a simple “save [what have you]” event that has allow multiple enabled. I have the input name attributes set up correctly. No matter what I do when I submit the form all I’ll get back in the /data/events node is <save-votes />. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong.

I just took my previously working contact form, put allow multiple on, and named my set of fields the exact same thing that the event documentation says, and it doesn’t work. As far as I can tell Allow Multiple is busted.

For what it’s worth, I have messed around with Allow Multiple too without any success. It might be that this functionality does something else than we’d expect, or that it is a bug.

It’s a core filter, I’d hope it works. I built something assuming it would and if it doesn’t I’m pretty well in a bad position at the moment.

Could you post some code as an example?

Well… it appears to have intermittently started working.

I use Allow Multiple an awful lot and have never hit problems. I’m interested to see what could be causing the bug.

I have a jQuery function processing 3 different types of data and renders a standardized series of

I setup an event with "Allow Multiple" activated. With 2 rendered data it saves the multiple entries just fine. But, the third one just doesn't. Actually it just saves the first two entries, but not all of them.

EDIT: Seems to be a problem with the Date, probably because I'm using the dd/mm/yyyy format

SOLVED: Just changed the date-format on config.php to d-m-Y and translated the / to - on all my data.

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