
I am attempting to use the Piano Sonata ensemble which includes mediathek. It looks like mediathek is broken with this ensemble. I am guessing that the core was updated to 2.0.7 and the extension is not compatible?

The last time I used it everything worked like a charm. Now, however, when I am trying to do a new post I noticed that entire image management section on the right is missing yet the plugin appears enabled.

Any idea how to restore this functionality?

From my comment here in answer to the same question:

The Mediathek extension is working great in Symphony 2.0.6. You are right that the Mediathek extension is incompatible with Symphony 2.0.7. Nils mentions this on the forum in regard to the many bugs introduced by the latest release. The developers have conceded that it was a mistake to have released version 2.0.7 as they did, without a release candidate and testing phase. Best to stick with 2.0.6 for the time being, while the developers figure out these bugs.

Fazal hasn’t pulled in my changes for this ensemble, so if you like, you can keep track of my fork of the Piano-Sonata Ensemble on GitHub, which is using Symphony 2.0.6. The Mediathek extension is being used by the Articles section for the Article Images. You can upload images that are dynamically resized by the JIT Image Manipulation extension to fit in the article layout, or you can drag and drop the image from the Mediathek Image Articles field to the Body textarea field to automatically insert the Markdown syntax for adding an image to the article.

What problems are you having with Mediathek?

Please report Mediathek problems in the related issue tracker. I’m currently collecting issues but I’m waiting for a few more information about the bug fixing process for Symphony 2.0.7 before releasing new versions of my extensions.

Interesting that 2.0.7 has so many issues, As soon as I installed bauhouse’ fork of the Piano-Sonata Ensemble, everything worked as planned.

Nils: I will do so. Thanks.

I wouldn’t say Symphony 2.0.7 has so many bugs. There are some leftovers which is not unusual. The real problem is that 2.0.7 contains changes that interfere with the current implementations of some extensions. As there was no beta phase, extension developers didn’t know when 2.0.7 was locked as feature complete and so they had no time to prepare their extensions for the new release. I was quite surprised as it was just a point release but Allen mentioned that it was an oversight on their side.

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