
Is this possible? It’s basically the only thing holding me back from using Symphony on an upcoming project.

Not on the backend, no. As far as I understand. You could certainly make this work through front-end membership and such.

Not sure If there is a delegate for that.

I think Symphony 2.1 will allow that. Allen can speak more about that.

There will be an access control layer in Symphony 2.1. However we are still in discussion on the specifics of what features the ACL will have.

Could you make the discussion public? I don’t know if it’s even possible, but I would really like to know what kind of problems you expect with the different specifics, and how you think ACL should be done in general.

Another reason why I would really like to know the details about the coming ACL is because I will need it for an upcoming project, and I would like to know if waiting for 2.1 to come out will be a better choice than to just develop it myself.

If what I need is supported “out of the box”, there is no need for me to develop an extension right now, but if it isn’t, developing becomes an option.

We’ll know more early next week. I’ll post something then.

Great! Thanks!

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