
So, S2 doesn't do param overloading like 1.7, I guess? How do you test if a param exists without an error?

you need to define it as a xsl:param in your main stylesheet to make it a global xsl:param.

gotcha, thanks.

Figured out that you can actually make it global in any stylesheet, you just have to put it above any template elements. XSL is so cool, once php supports 2 my head will probably explode...

right. will php eventually support 2? that will make things freakin' awesome. i think saxon only supports 2 right now, correct?

PHP uses libxslt, which is part of the Gnome project -- unfortunately their website is utterly useless, but I imagine that at some point they'll work on libxslt2 (or whatever they'll call it). I've not seen any discussion about it though, so it could still be years away.

Yeah I started doing some digging on this today and it doesn't look like anything is in the works, which is unfortunate because XSLT 2 looks sweet.

Here's hoping for Symphony 4 ...

ya, lots of really useful functionality from 1 to 2. REGEXP built in...a lot more logic syntax (for back of a better term), etc.

Where in my master.xsl do I put <xsl:param name="$publisher">?

put it above your <xsl:template match="/"> would work fine. as long as you put it above the templates that are doing the matching, you should be good. Also, you would do this instead: <xsl:param name="publisher" />, no need for the $. that's only necessary when you call/reference the param.

Argh. It was the trailing / I had forgot.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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