
A new Extension, “Text Box Field” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Cool! Will be really handy for me. No more doubling title fields. :-) Thanks.

Is it possible to adapt public function createHandle in the way to treat invisible characters (a soft-hyphen and else) as invisible for the handle creation? For example currently it's handled this way: some­thing => some-thing. But my brain believes it'd be nicer this way: some­thing => something.

Question: I have a "Comments" section linked to "Articles" through a Text Box field named "Title" (that is, the title of an article). While in the backend the linkage works properly and every comment is correctly bound with the given entry, the XML output shows that each article has no comments at all. Could it be due to a problem in the "enhanced" title field?

Thanks in advance, Simone

eKoeS, this is a bug that has been patched (symphony/lib/toolkit/class.entry.php). Yesterday Alistair also released v1.6 of the Select Box Link field that will kill a couple of other bugs you're seeing.

Ops, I didn't notice Alistair's patch. Sorry guys!

No worries! I think Symphony 2.0.2 release is around the corner (next week) so wait for that if you're not comfortable patching it yourself.

Anyone know if this works with 2.0.2? I'm not getting an @handle from it.

I’ve released a new version, see above.

Cool stuff, Rowan! Is it still possible to use WYSIWYG editors with this field? I’m specifically targeting something simple like the WMD editor, or markItUp!

Anything is possible with JavaScript :)

Ah, but not with this extension installed :( Sadly, textbox seems to disable delegate notifications for other extensions watching for ‘ModifyTextareaFieldPublishWidget’. Try using the TinyMCE and Textbox extensions in the same place.

Just made a new release that fixes the above problem, and adds one new feature.

Text Box Field updated to version 2.0.9 on 1st of December 2009


  • Added a fancy interface to select filter modes when editing data sources.
  • Added ability to limit input to a specified length.
  • Fixed a few minor bugs.

Text Box Field updated to version 2.0.10 on 1st of December 2009


  • Fixed issue where upgrades for 2.0.9 where not being applied due to a Symphony bug.

Text Box Field updated to version 2.0.11 on 9th of December 2009


  • Really fixed the upgrade issues, really!
  • Changed the way handles are created to make sure they are always unique.

Text Box Field updated to version 2.0.14 on 19th of February 2010


  • Improved upgrade process.
  • Added a setting that lets you display more than 75 characters in publish table columns.

Text Box Field updated to version 2.1 on 1st of November 2010


  • Added checkbox to wrap output in CDATA regardless of formatting.
  • Added checkbox to toggle inclusion of handles in output.
  • Output values instead of handles as parameters if handles are disabled.
  • Fixed datasource filter editor JavaScript.
  • A couple of other minor issues.

Text Box Field updated to version 2.2 on 11th of April 2011


  • Force tables to be created with the MyISAM table engine.

I love this extension.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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