
I ran a search on “PHP” and it returned zero results. Weird. Anyways, I’m looking to integrate a forum’s authentication into my Symphony-powered site (PunBB to be specific), but I can’t figure out how to get PHP to work within Symphony-generated pages.

You can use PHP, but only in Datasources or Events. Pages themselves only accept XSLT.

In case you wanted to create a login-form for your forum you’d have to look into creating a custom event for that.

Now, after reading your post a second time, it sounds like you wanted to display the login-data from your forum-sessions in Symphony. This, too, will be done most comfortably by an event. It will have to fetch the data from the session and create an XML node to be integrated in the regular XML dataset (you know, the one you see when you enter ?debug mode). From there it’s XSLT to actually display the data.

Thanks. Yeah, that’s what I suspected too, but the API documentation for everything is like nonexistent >_<. Must go and dissect existing events and extensions…

I now have a new problem. I found out I didn’t really like PunBB so I switched to phpBB. To fetch the user session informations in the event for Symphony, I have to include phpBB’s common.php file. But then the common.php file includes the sessions.php in phpBB, and in there phpBB defines a Session class. Symphony also has a Session class. So now the event is giving me errors saying that the phpBB session.php file is trying to redefine Class Session and things blow up. Is there a way around that?

This sounds like it is not an existing forum, but you are rather building it from scratch. If this is the case, you might try the Members extension – there’s an ensemble called Frontend Members Reference – and the Forum ensemble which contains a pre-pre-version of the yet to be released Forum extension (and a probably outdated version of Members…)

All of these are more or less ‘work in progress’, but: They are a good place to start and help the community. The core team is rather occupied, so the community would surely honour any help on this. (It’s not too far – this forum is running on Symphony w/ Members + Forum extensions.)

If you like to jump in, please ask about the latest versions of the Forum ensemble/extension – it might be that the team has done done a lot of work in between.

I’ve looked at the Frontend Members extension. I really dislike it because the password for the users can be seen by the administrator in the admin panel. And I can’t set up the SMTP Mail Library even after browsing both the threads for Frontend Members and SMTP Mail here at and following all of the suggestions. My main gripe against Frontend Members though is the password not being encoded at all.

I really dislike it because the password for the users can be seen by the administrator in the admin panel.

The official Members extension only saves md5 hashes.

For some reason when I was using the Frontend Membership Reference Ensemble I thought it didn’t encode the passwords at all. Weird. Anyways, I modded the extension to use mail() instead of SMTP, so I guess I’m content now =D. Thanks all for helping.

Although, knowing that I’m an intellectual making a thread on a forum filled with intellectuals, intellectually I’m still interested in knowing if the PHP double declaration problem can be solved, even though it’s not a problem anymore. Can it?

Although, knowing that I’m an intellectual making a thread on a forum filled with intellectuals

taps pipe, shifts forward in armchair

Without editing the class itself, I doubt it. If you happen to be on PHP 5.3, you could dabble in giving one of them a php namespace but I bet you’d have to rename one of the classes as well as hunt down all its instantiations.

So let’s say I really wanted to integrate phpBB’s user session with Symphony. phpBB has Session defined as a Class, and so has Symphony. There is no way to do so without modifying either one unless I write a script that doesn’t include the violating classes?

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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