
I’m hoping to add a ‘Feature on front page’ checkbox across multiple sections. This would be pretty simple to implement except that I want to limit the number of featured entries to 1 across all sections.

I could pull a DS of all featured entries then simply select the most recent one by date, but this won’t work for this site as the author also wants to be able to feature older entries occasionally.

Is there some way to unset the ‘featured’ tag on the previous entry once a new one is set?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can do that with the Unique Checkbox Extension.

Ah brilliant! Thanks phoque.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but…

I just realised that the Unique Checkbox only seems to “steal” its state from entries in the same section. Does anyone have any pointers as to how to expand this functionality across multiple sections? I had a peek at the PHP but my skills in that area are far below this.

Or perhaps there is another way of going about this?

As always, any help would be very much appreciated.

I believe you can define its behaviour in the Sections editor (number of checks allowed, prevent saving or steal value).

Yep you can do all that, but as far as I can tell it only applies these rules to the one section where you add the field, not across multiple sections (perhaps using the same field label). That ability would be fantastic.

Perhaps there is some other way to build this functionality? Do any of the ninjas out there have experience creating this - a single “Featured” entry across multiple sections?

A workaround would be to create a separate section for featured entries and just link entries from different sections with the select box link field to it. You wool have to use data source chaining then to get the linked entry.

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