

as a starer with symphony i’m interested in the api, but wherever i look i read that the api documentation is forthcoming. Is there some kind of roadmap till it comes or are there any alpha or beta versions one might already use?

If not, what do you recommend to get familiar with symphonys possibilities while creating extensions and events?

Best regards


Sorry, but I don’t know anything about the roadmap. I hope that Craig will know more than me.

At the moment taking a look at existing extensions will be very helpful if you try and build your own. Look for an extension which does similar things (e.g. save settings to the config file, append JavaScript to the backend etc.). Try and think in small functional blocks (like Symphony does). Since extensions and events always extend existing PHP classes, you will have to follow a basic scheme, of course. So the first step is to copy one extension, rename it and then start to change the required functions.

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