
Hello again :-)

sorry, that i post that much posts, but i’m thrilled by symphony and full of questions.

As far as i can see there is no way or extension to track what each user has done or to track who changed a specific entry.

That might be usefull if you have a larger amount of users and something went wrong.

What might be the best way to implement this? Any Ideas?

Best regards


As far as i can see there is no way or extension to track what each user has done or to track who changed a specific entry.

That is true. Symphony itself doesn’t maintain an audit trail. But to an extent this can be provided by community extensions.

What might be the best way to implement this? Any Ideas?

Rowan has created an Audit Trail extension but again it hasn’t been officially released and there isn’t any documentation on how to use it.

There is quite a lengthy thread Entry Revisions where we have discussed how the UI for content versioning might work. I got as far as creating a proof of concept field but I haven’t released it properly since it still needs some work and a lot of testing. But the concept itself is good.

There have also been thoughts that Symphony could track who changed entries as standard functionality.

This is a half-way solution since it’s suggesting that Symphony stores the last modified date (and author ID?) of each entry. But versioning of the content should remain the work of extensions, for sure.

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