

Really loving that sections can now be assigned to different navigation groups - I think it offers massive usability improvements for clients, if planned & implemented correctly.

However, my lack of planning has led to this question…

Is it possible to change the order of your navigation groups, rather than have them in the order they were created?

e.g I currently have 3 navigation groups (‘CONTENT’, ‘CATEGORIES’, ‘PUBLISH’) but would like to change the order to CONTENT, PUBLISH, CATEGORIES.

Any help much appreciated!

The order of navigation groups has nothing to do with creation time. It depends on the order of your pages! So simply drag and drop your pages up and down (on the “Pages” backend page), and you will see that the position of the first page for a certain nav group determines the position of the navigation item.

By “pages” Michael means “sections” ;-)

Thanks, that pointed me in the right direction. I was able to change the order of the nav groups by dragging & dropping the sections. Seems it is the position of the first section rather than the first page which determines the order?

You’re absolutely right, your pages have nothing to do with the order of your navigation groups. I guess Michael just had a momentary lapse of knowledge and isn’t suggesting a completely different take on Symphony terminology.

Well, sections, yes, sounds better.

Momentary lapse of whatever…

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