
hi all,

it would really be great if someone could help me with some information on setting up a multilingual site.

and yes i’ve spent a bit of time searching for information here on the site and i’m not much smarter for it.

i tried this:, but i end up with a links in my main navigation (e.g., de, en) and that is not so great.

ideally i would like to have the url look like something like this:, or

at the moment i’m using the multilevel-navigation extension to render the navigation.

as always any help will be greatly appreciated.

I just released an extension that provides the functionality you need. You just have to set the languages you want to support in the preferences and the extension redirects any requests from domain/sym-page/sym-child-page/params/ to domain/language-code/sym-page/sym-child-page/params/ on pages with an attached language redirect event.

In a separate step you should add some datasource filtering and XSL logic based on the $url-language|region parameters.

@klaftertief hey, thanx this is exactly what was missing in symphony! i’ve finally got the multilingual site function working. my implementation is not so elegant, but it works and has a language toggle.

@klaftertief, how did you solve the problem of toggling the navigation? i have setup toggle links, but now i realize that the navigation xsl uses this: , and my pages are setup so that i have one page under content, and then the language specific page/s. this means that i have only one name attribute for both languages for the navigation.

do you have an idea how i could solve this problem. it would have been cool if there was a way to extend the “navigation” xml section to include language specific information. for example: View GreetingsLorem ipsum dolor sitindex

or even language specific “navigation” xml

View Greetingsindex

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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