
Hello, I do not know if this is the proper channel for this kind of thing, but I would suggest a shortcut to create new utility.

The reason, at least for me, is to simplify the development of XSLs. I do not think that is something excessive, considering to be compatible with the context and layout of the system.

This shortcut would like the new shortcuts in Pages (Edit Template) and Template (Edit Configuration).

Thank you for your attention.

Happy Easter =]


Just a quick note, site utilities are 100% file-based you can actually create them (and delete them) without touching Symphony.

The only time I enter Symphony at this point is to create the pages (thought not code them) and to do datasources and sections. Any actual writing of XSLT or creating of utilities is done, for me, in Coda.

Yes, I know. By the way, this is the most impressive feature of Symphony 2.1 (file-based system - see video). But I use to play XSL direct on Symphony system, and some times on line. Thats becouse is easier than FTP procedures.

That’s actually the specific reason I use Coda. You can work on a local version and upload it or work on a remote version and just save it.

Most code editors will let you edit the files on the server through your FTP program, by the way.

Hmmm, this is something that I did not know! I use Dreamwaver here, I’ll try that.

Thanks =]

Hmmm, this is something that I did not know! I use Dreamwaver here, I’ll try that.

It can do that too (they’re called “Sites”). But seriously… Dreamweaver?!? ;-)

Be nice… I went to teach some students how to build a website and all the class had was Dreamweaver. The teacher didn’t know any better.

For a quick demo I did some stuff in Coda and then everyone was annoyed because Dreamweaver felt so bloated and uncoordinated (as most Adobe stuff does when compared to a well-designed alternative).

But yes, you can do it in Dreamweaver as well automatically as the program, like Coda and a number of others, have built-in FTP protocols that allow you to work directly on the files in the server. One of the reasons I’m a big fan of Coda (for Mac) is that if I work on a local file it tracks which ones I’ve been changed and gives me the option to upload them in mass or individually when I choose.

For me, one of the major reasons I’m really looking forward to using Symphony 2.1 is you can do just about everything without touching Symphony at all beyond the sections and datasource work.

Anyway, I’m straying off topic a bit now so I’ll shush.

@germchaos: We’ll bear this in mind as we go about optimizing the UI for 2.1… I don’t think that type of a shortcut is the answer though. Seems like a band-aid for a fairly limited use-case.

Czheng, I got your point. I still have a narrow view of the general. Anyway it would be an very small instant increase rather than a project reconceptualization.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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