
Hi fellow extension geeks.

I’m trying to write a simple extension to rewrite the page URL by hooking into the FrontendPrePageResolve delegate and changing the value of the $context[‘page’] variable but it does not appear to be changing the page that tries to get rendered.

I wrote a URL rewriter extension that works fine in 2.07 and 2.08 using this same technique, but for some reason this just isn’t working in 2.03, whatever I put in $context[‘page’] it still tries to find the page at the original URL before I’ve changed it.

I would really appreciate any help, this is very frustrating and I don’t want to have to butcher the core code.

Looks like it have been fixed here.

Looks like it have been fixed here.

Thanks a lot. I’m not able to upgrade but I’ve just applied that fix myself and now it works fine.

Love this forum!!

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