

I’ve tried both the WYM and CKeditor extensions.

In the section editor I choose one as the formatter for a textarea.

However, when navigating to the corresponding ‘entries’ the textarea doesn’t show any formatting toolbar or anything.

Does someone have an idea what I am doing wrong? Or are these extensions only working on the front-end? I’m on 2.07



Are you sure that you’re using the patched version of Symphony 2.0.7? There have been a few JavaScript related issues in the very first release of the current version.

Ah it’s working now, thanks. The patch is not commited to the 2.07 on the GitHub repository no? Somewhat inconvenient since my install is cloned from the repo. I switched to the integration branch now with 2.08RC3.

Now that you’re here—I have a question about Mediathek as well :)

Do any of these formatters support the dragging and dropping?

And, more importantly—how does Mediathek actually work? I do not understand the basic principle, I am new to Symphony. You somehow have to set up a dedicated section for it? Basically I just want the client to be able to upload several images to an entry and than drag them into a ‘body’ textarea.


If it’s the first Symphony site, starting with Mediathek might be a bit tough. You actually have to create two sections: one for your media uploads and one for your entries. Mediathek will link both sections.

Have you had a look at the extension’s documentation?

Ah, and concerning the text-formatters: WYSIWYG editors are a pain if you want to interact with them. So, no, none of these is really officially supported.

I came across the documentation; the part that’s lacking I guess is how to set up the section for the media uploads. Can you give me some cues? The section for the entries I have already, I presume that’s where you add the Mediathek field.

It might be tough, but I guess this is the only way I can handle this under Symphony, no?

Also, regarding editors, in the Mediathek documentation you do mention support for WYMeditor. Or doesn’t that really work?

I like the concept of this editor, restricting you to a structured subset and still implementing some form of WYSIWYG, which I find is essential… Though I understand the troubles it gives in an XSLT workflow.

I came across the documentation; the part that’s lacking I guess is how to set up the section for the media uploads. Can you give me some cues?

Ah, I see. It’s not part of the extension’s documentation as it is just using standard Symphony sections for this purpose. Have a look at the core documentation for further reference:

Also, regarding editors, in the Mediathek documentation you do mention support for WYMeditor. Or doesn’t that really work?

Mediathek provides experimental support for WYMeditor but the implementation is buggy due to the fact that WYSIWYG editors tend to be buggy themselves. They just don’t work consistently in different browsers or operating systems. (In this context dropping things is the main problem — event support depends on the browser due to the iframe implementation of the editor.)

Though I understand the troubles it gives in an XSLT workflow.

That’s the main problem: the markup always has to be well formed and valid.

Ah, I see. It’s not part of the extension’s documentation as it is just using standard Symphony sections for this purpose.

Now I understand, I think—basically Mediathek has no media fields of its own you just make a media section with at least an upload field, and than what Mediathek does is allow you an easy way to link that section up with other sections?

Which is already possible with a select box field, but Mediathek gives you a more intuitive and graphical interface to do so?

I do see how that setup gives you a lot of flexibility since you’re defining your own data models. But I also agree that it’s a bit of a hassle for a first-timer :)

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