

Could someone please talk me through the process of saving an entry (new or editing) when using an event in the frontend.

I am currently having an issues and think I know what the problem is but need to find where exactly that problem is being executed.

I specifically need to know the function that creates the sql query for finding an item that is to be edited.

Thanks PK

edit:Didn’t read your post careful enough, please discard my previous comment.

Can you describe the error?

I specifically need to know the function that creates the sql query for finding an item that is to be edited.

First, (in class.entrymanager.php) the entry you are trying to edit is removed (line 122).

Then the new contents are beeing generated, and resaved (line 147)

The error is described in the below thread.

I am currently assuming that the sql that is generated to check whether an entry exist is looking in the wrong table.

I had a look at my database and I have a table called symentries which has all the entries created. I think that is the table that the query should be looking at but rather it is looking for symentriesdata0

I believe the sym_entries table is the overview (linking table) while the sym_entries_data_ID is where the actual data is stored.

Looks like the field_id isn’t properly read.

any ideas on how to fix?

If this is a custom event you’re having trouble with you could use the Save Comment event as a guide. You can get it from the sample workspace if you don’t already have it.

the issue is when editing an entry.

There are no issues when creating a new entry. i am using the [input name=”id” value=”{@id}”], as specified in the event’s document

Have you checked that the value attribute is populated with the correct id? Maybe you are in a different context node while creating your form and need to specify a different xPath?

Yes, the value attribute is receiving the correct entry and this is confirmed by the value of the entry_id in the sql query the error message returns

Has anyone got an example where they allow frontend users to edit any entry content i.e their profile etc.

I just want to check if I am missing something in my own work or if it is a bug in the system.

I think the default workspace offers frontend editing for admins. At least it offers an option to publish drafts on the frontend.

Beside that, I guess one of Stephen’s ensembles offer frontend editing.

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