

I found a bug in release 2.1. If I upload a file using a ‘File upload’ field in my section, then save it and afterwards I try to delete the file with the ‘Remove File’ link then it deletes the file from the harddrive but it is still existing in the database and therefore it seems on the backend as if nothing had happened. The filename is still written in the upload file field box…

I started searching the problem in the core but I’m quite new to Symphony. I also raised an issue but it hasn’t appeared yet in the issue list.

(BTW: I know that there were file upload issues in the previous releases but as far as I read it from the comments & issues it was just the other way: when you removed the file via the link, then the file has been deleted from the database but not from the harddrive. Now it’s the opposite…)

Thanks a lot for the help, Peter

I was working on the issue tracker a bit today and forgot to update something. Your issue should be there now.

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