Disable cookies in frontend
This is an open discussion with 7 replies, filed under General.
Is it the default PHP session cookie?
Yes. But I am sure it is Symphony that starts the session. session.auto_start is off in php.ini.
I don’t think it’s possible, because in the Symphony class, the constructor calls a “initialiseCookie” method, so this seems to be a default you cannot disable.
Thanks for investigating, Frank.
you can always try a js method of removing the cookie, but this would have to be run every page load.
You can also hack the core code, but I would say the trouble isn’t worth the gain..
I am going to use Apache’s mod_headers to drop the “Set-Cookie” header.
There is an EU privacy directive on its way that could make the topic a bit more relevant in the near future.
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just noticed Symphony CMS sets a session cookie for each user who visits the site. Is there a way to change this behaviour so that cookies are only set if the user actually logs in?
BTW: What is this “cookie-prefix” setting in config.php for?
Cheers. Timon