
Hello, I’m about to work through the tutorial ‘say hello to symphony’. I created a page called Greeting Entry (greetings.xsl) and I also created the Greeting Entry Data Source. I strictly followed the instructions of the tutorial. However, I cannot access the content by within greetings.xsl because there is no such node in the XML data structure. The debug devkid provides me with the following information about the XML data structure: GreetingsNo records found.

Why do I receive this error? Why is there no entry-node? Thanks a lot!!


Do you have entries created under ‘Greetings’? By clicking on the green ‘create new’ button?

The ‘say hello to symphony’-tutorial extends the ‘say hello world’-tutorial. Have you done that one first?

Ah.ok. I deleted the files of the first tutorial. Thanks!!!

Ah, I think there is a misunderstanding! The include path or the data in greetings.xls (“say hello to symphony”) is the following:

xsl:apply-templates select=”greeting-entry/entry”

So that means that greetings.xsl is not connected to the data-source greetings but to greeting-entry which has not been established yet. Is it possible that the path above must looks like that: xsl:apply-templates select=”greetings/entry”?

Step 4. Create an Individual Entry View, Step 4.2. Create a Greeting Entry Data Source

I think you missed it ;o) So did I when I first did it…

O.k., so I created that Greeting Entry Data Source. There, I selected source=Greetings, I did NOT choose System or Custom XML. Beneath there are that filters and the variable $title with and without {}. At the bottom of the page I choose Included Elements: greeting-titel, greeting-content formatted, date, language.

Then I go back to my greetings.xml. I include the master.xml and change xsl:template match=”/” into xsl:template match=”data”

Then I write : xsl:apply-templates select=”greeting-entry/entry”/

So this select-entry must be wrong according to the system: error reporting: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet(): compilation error: file file:///C:/xampplite/htdocs/symphony-2.1.0/workspace/pages/greetings.xsl line 7 element apply-templates

In the debug kid section id=”9” handle=”greetings” Greetings /section is sister to error /error

A few questions:

  • Do you have entries in your Greetings section?
  • Did you attach your Data Source to the correct page?

Could you please post your XML and XSL template (using Markdown for better display in this forum)? Thanks!

Hello Nils, thank you for your response!

I have three Greeting entries: Hallo Welt.. , Hola mundo..,Hello world.. Both Data sources ‘Greetings’ AND ‘Greeting Entry’ are connected to the ONLY section Greetings.

So my Greeting entry page (greetings.xls) is both connected to the data sources Greeting Entry and Navigation. Contrary to that the View Greetings page (home.xls) is connected to the data sources Greetings and Navigation.

The XML of my default-page (home.xsl) shows the entries of the section Greetings, (so here the entry-nodes are sister nodes to the section-node with the label Greetings). However the section-node of the Greeting Entry-page (greetings.xsl) is sister to a entry-node with the label/message: No records found (see screen-shot beneath)

So why is this?

Thanks a lot, Iago


As per the tutorial, you’re supposed to be looking at /greetings/hello-world?debug. From the screenshot you’ve provided, it seems you’re just looking at /greetings/?debug. In other words, you’ve not supplied a title, so no greeting entry is being fetched.

Please review Step 4 thoroughly. It should get you where you’re trying to go.

Any other questions, feel free to ask :)

I understand, thank you for your response czheng!

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