
Just wonder how could I make a community site that has discussion board and file repository from a fresh new Symphony installation, any clue is appreciated :)

There’s a forum ensemble that contains most of the necessary stuff (members extension, data sources and events). You suggest adding your file repo on top of that.

Thanks, phoque, I’m such a newbie to Symphony, not quite sure if I can install the forum ensemble manually onto my current Symphony installation? Ensemble in Symphony doesn’t work like plugins in other popular CMS? How to apply athe ensemble and let it fit in my customized style, I’m really confused, sorry.

Ensembles are packages that include: Symphony itself, all necessary extensions and the workspace. This means you’ll have to install the ensemble and start customizing it.

To use it in your current Symphony install you’ll have to extract all the necessary parts and inject them into your other site. Don’t know if it works and doesn’t sound like fun to me. :-)

I’m such a newbie to Symphony

In this case I wouldn’t recommend going the Forum Ensemble route. It is a great proof of concept, but it includes code which must be considered unstable — especially the Members extension. The good news is: The team is working on an official (stable) member management extension (which will be called Frontend Membership, AFAIK).

If you take a look at the Forum ensemble, you will find that the forum functionality is bundled in an extension, but it contains a lot of hardcoded stuff — I wouldn’t recommend this either for someone who is new to Symphony.

Well, if you are not afraid to get your hands dirty, you might nevertheless give it a go…

Well, thanks guys, now I understand Ensemble is a specific preset of Symphony copy for install&run, I also think it’s a not a good idea to have forum ensemble after reviewing the code, I’m interested in Symphony because of its simplicity and speed, actually Symphony still need lot of work to become a popular CMS framework.

Actually I’m a PHP programmer myself, just looking for fast guide of implementing forum ensemble into my current installation, say which essential files need to be copied, which MySQL tables need to be created, anyway, I’ll have a try on manual implementation just for test, but also will take your advices, thanks again!

Actually I’m a PHP programmer myself, just looking for fast guide of implementing forum ensemble into my current installation...

There are lots of forum packages out there that you might be able to incorporate into your installation. Automattic (the WordPress sponsor) has one called Intense Debate.

actually Symphony still need lot of work to become a popular CMS framework.

Out of curiosity, anything specific?

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