
Hello, dear all

If I created 3 workspaces, can I switch the workspace at some where? What I want is to switch the homepage style dynamically…

Thanks a lot!

Do you need three entirely separate workspace folders? Could you include the various templates in your XSLT and swap these depending on certain conditions? How are you going about changing the style dynamically?

What is it you wish to switch dynamicly exactly? If it’s just styling switching between different CSS-files would do. If it’s completely different functionality / markup, I would select and apply certain XSLT-stylesheets according to your conditions.

What’s the exact goal you are trying to achieve here?

If you are looking to dynamically switch between CSS files, I just pushed a repository up to GitHub yesterday that demonstrates the possibility of using Symphony as purely an HTML/CSS prototyping tool. No extensions required (although the core Debug extension would be highly recommended). Just grab the latest version of Symphony, swap out the workspace with this, and you can do lots of fun things with XSLT.

Try selecting a different theme from the demo.

Wow Stephen that looks great! Is that Intranet ensemble a fully functional set of ‘modules’? Looks great, both in style as in functionality. I love the idea of re-usable ‘apps’ in Symphony, rather than full ensembles I would love to be able to ‘pick’ a calendar or forum app like yours… Anyway, great work and a nice example of changing styles…

Thanks for all the kind help! Really a warm community!!

By changing style, I mean not only the color (I viewed the great demo from bauhouse), but also the template itself (maybe corresponding to the xsl file defined).

Actually, in some other CMS like joomla, there is a common concept “template”, users can easily install many different templates via admin panel, and then choose one as default, and the frontend homepage will show it. Of course admin can easily set the default to another template installed already, and refresh the frontend it will show the new tempalte defined.

I want to have the same thing in S2…

nickdunn’s suggestion is very close to what I would like to get, while I want the admin user can MANUALLY select the xsl template by himself, not judeged by some internal logic.

The more background is: I will run the same S2 for 2 different customers, and I need provide something similar to joomla’s selecting template function, so they can choose different template for their need. I hope I can create 10 templates and associate them with one page, and customers can just select one template for this page. If customers can preview the templates, will be a big plus.

Thanks a bunch!

@davidhund, the Intranet ensemble is not fully functional. I built the prototype in Symphony, then supplied the templates for use in a Drupal install :-(

I am hoping to build out some of the functionality for some internal business process requirements that we have at our agency.

@xeoshow, I think what you are trying to do would be possible. But there is no pre-built solution for Symphony that I know of. If you want to build it, the trick would be to determine the switch for displaying different templates.

@bauhouse, thanks!!

I would just add that the xslt loaded into the transformation is associated with the Symphony Page, so you’ll either need to direct users to different pages based on template request, or load all template xslt into the Page, and only apply the requested ones.

You can’t dynamically include xslt at runtime.

@bauhause ah bummer, it looks great. At first I thought this was some evolution of your ‘DesignAdmin’ ensemble… I know it is a controversial topic and not at all agreed upon, but I would love to have the concept of reusable packages/modules in Symphony. An ensemble seems too ‘broad’ and limited at the same time because it does not package third party extensions.

(At the risk of further hijacking this thread:) Ensembles can include third party extensions. With Git, the best way to do this is to add extensions as submodules. There is a limitation in the Export Ensemble extension when it comes to custom database tables, though. But there are workarounds.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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