
Dear all,

I found there are many tables created at runtime in S2 (I installed S2 without default workspace), the table names are like:

I checked the content of those tables, seems related to the Content I published.

My question: Under what condition will those tables created at runtime? I don’t think the number of tables created will be related to the number of articles I created, right?

And also I would like to know at what time point there will be no new tables created?

Just a little confused and need help. Thanks!

Also, with regard to S3, will S3 create tables at runtime as well?

If I’m not mistaken. The tables you mention are created when you create new fields to store content. So as long as you are building and expanding your site structure you will see more tables added.

@Aalandriel, thanks for your reply. This is the same in S3 ?

I believe to some extent yes.

I can agree that the naming of these tables in Symphony 2 is not really logic apart from the number being the order in which you created the fields. But it beats having all your content in one predefined table.

The naming of DB tables will be much more human-readable in Symphony 3. But (as mentioned in other threads), Symphony 3 is definitely not “around the corner”.

If you want an easy way to understand how the tables map to sections and fields, install Nick Dunn’s Entity Diagram extension.

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