
Sorry if there’s alredy thread like this. I was searching, but didn’t find solution.

I understand that there is no option to theme admin area as core feature, but are there some hacks or extensions to do it? I’ve found only Admin CSS Override but it’s for css only. I don’t plan to do some “jumbo” styling… just wanted to, for example wrap forms with 960px width div or similar, coz admin area looks too streched on widescreens… and some more stuff like that.

If someone can, at least point me to solution.

btw, I think that this is important missing feature in Symphony. It’s great for clients when you can organize stuff the way they want, like in Drupal for example… or, am I blind and missing something?

In Symphony 3 the sections will be a lot more flexible in respect to layout of the content elements. I don’t have a install up and running and there are no screenshots, but I’m sure this will cover your requests of a more flexible content structure in the backend.

If you want to change the look of the backend right now you could take a look at extensions that alternate the backend. Many not just change the CSS but also change/add DOM elements.

Tnx for help man! Can’t wait for Symph3.

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