
I am looking to hire someone to create a blog look using Symphony for my personal blog. I’m creative, but not versed enough (yet) in Symphony to do this myself.

I am looking for something unique. I like minimalist designs. I’ve tried the available ensembles but none fit my needs.

I can provide project details without issue.

Hit me up here: mike AT cmscritic dot com

Ok this is really getting frustrating. I’ve gone through the various ensembles and most of them haven’t been updated to use the latest version of symphony which means that we get a single column template to work with if we install?

Combine that with an inability to find someone qualified to take on development work and it’s very frustrating trying to get a site up and running on Symphony. Something you should consider.

most of them haven’t been updated to use the latest version of symphony which means that we get a single column template to work with if we install?

Upgrading an ensemble should be as simple as upgrading any install of Symphony. Install the ensemble, overwrite with new Symphony files, and run the updater file.

inability to find someone qualified to take on development work

I’m not sure who you’re after. A designer or developer? Do you have a design already completed that needs implementing in Symphony, or do you need someone to build something from scratch? Not everyone checks the forums every day, so a work proposal might take more than 24 for someone to approach you through a support forum.

Perhaps supply some more details such as project requirements, rates and timescale, which might give people more confidence.

I am looking for an ensemble, I guess. I purchased this theme: and would like something similar in Symphony.

An about page, archive page and contact page. Blog posts with comments. Search box.

Did you look at the Piano Sonata ensemble? It is based on a design by Galindez. A customization of Piano Sonata is implemented here with Symphony 3.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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