
no, really, how could I do it? because, I want to do it, and I even followed video instructions on how to do it, in symphony 1.7 but I still somehow got it wrong;

  • errors as usual: [code] XSL processing error: loadXML(): Failed to parse QName 'name:' in Entity, line: 50 XSL processing error: loadXML(): Specification mandate value for attribute name: in Entity, line: 50 XSL processing error: loadXML(): attributes construct error in Entity, line: 50 XSL processing error: loadXML(): Couldn't find end of Start Tag call-template line 50 in Entity, line: 50 XSL processing error: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet(): compilation error XSL processing error: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet(): xsltParseStylesheetProcess : empty stylesheet [/code]

Couldn't find end of Start Tag call-template line 50 in Entity

It looks like you have a tag mismatch. Posting your XSLT would make it a lot easier to help.

This one's utility:

<xsl:template name="get-side-blog">
    <xsl:for-each select="side-blog/entry">
        <h2><xsl:value-of select="fields/title" /></h2>
        <xsl:copy-of select="fields/side-body/*" />

and this one's the page that calls side blog:

<xsl:template match="data">
    <xsl:call-template name:"get-side-blog" />

As I said, I was simply following video tutorial.

What I see xsl:for-each starttag is missing.

And of course you will have to call the template from your page (or master):

<xsl:call-template name="get-side-blog"/>

You have name:"get-side-blog" instead of name="get-side-blog".

Thank you Allen !!!

it's amazing how much trouble one oversight can get me in, especially when i don't see it.

you coders really do have good eyes.

Now I have page displaying but not the text itself. Only title of it.

Can you maybe pastie your XSL and XML?



nice thing that pastie is, btw.

I don't see any mention of get-side-blog in your XSLT. When I run the document, it produces the default template's HTML fine. Albeit without a side blog.

sorry. wrong page. it can happen to me :P

my appologies



diomed -

you're not including any reference to the fields/side-body node. You only have the fields/title node in there.

sorry for being such a noob, but where should i include it, and how?

i'd only need that few lines of code, please.

Your XML only includes a title. There is no body data there. Add that field to the data source.

diomed -

i think wtdtan was referring to your XML, you don't have "side-body" node for your Side Blog in your XML.

i took some of your lorem ipsum stuff from your previous pastie post and put it in your XML to show you an example. If your textarea for your sideblog is called "side-body", then the attached code should work. Also, you'll want to make sure that you included the "side-body" field in your datasource.

Try this XML,

and this XSLT,

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