
A new extension, “Slider Field” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.


Excellent! I’m going to try this out tonight.

I hope the filtering works ;)

Has anyone gotten this working in 2.2? I'm trying to get the range filtering working with a single value and it doesn't appear to be working. I have yet to do some in-depth debugging, but I have a range slider field for an entry:

And I can't seem to filter using a single value, doing so returns no results.

Any help or insight you could provide would be invaluable.

Slider Field updated to version 0.2 on 16th of December 2011

  • Compatiblilty for Symphony 2.3
  • Added new 'greater than' and 'smaller than'-range


i have a problem with your extension. it produces following error (warning) on S. 2.2.5:

Missing argument 1 for Field::__construct(), called in /home/www/test/symphony/extensions/slider/fields/field.slider.php on line 5 and defined

An error occurred in /home/www/test/symphony/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.field.php around line 158

maybe it won't pop up with PHP warnings turned off but i haven't checked it. fixing the field class constructor seems to help on this but then a fatal error shows up:

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method fieldSlider::buildPublishLabel() in /home/www/test/symphony/extensions/slider/fields/field.slider.php on line 194

(just letting you know. i don't really need this extension and only installed it as an example to help me with implementing my own custom field.)

I am getting the same error as well...

I'm currently updating some of my extensions to S2.3. I'll see if I can make it backward-compatible with S2.2.x.

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