
Dru do you consider updating your ported hemingway theme now that 2.0 is final? It would be cool to have a more modern alternative to the cubic default to show of symphony to colleagues. Or has anyone else came up with something minimal, airy?

I'm very interested in this too! Now that symphony is out, when shall some theming begin? And when shall we see new versions of Hemingway?

I'm not sure how much "theming" you'll see here. Frontend designs are intricately bound to site infrastructure and content, and because Symphony is so flexible, the anatomy of sites can and will vary widely. Thus active "theming" of the sort you see with fairly static systems (Wordpress and the like) is probably not very likely. What you're more likely to find as time goes by are collections of basic ensembles— blogs, portfolio sites, webzines, etc.—along with maybe a handful of new designs for the default install.

Then again, I could be wrong ;)

Sure, its the handful of new designs for the default install I am after. Nobody has those to share? The current one is nice, but not trendy nor timeless.

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