
Hi, I need a textarea with a standard text, does anyone know how I can do this in the symphony? thanks, Priscila

What’s the exact use case? You just want it to be prepopulated (and then editable) or you want it to be hard-coded and not editable?

I want it to be prepopulated (and then editable)

Is the text just for documentation purposes? If so, there are some extensions that might help you.

If not, and you really need to prepopulate the field, you’ll need a custom extension to help you do that. Shouldn’t be too difficult for someone to build. You’ll just have to ask very nicely :P

The “Publish Notes field” pretty much does this already. Wouldn’t be hard to modify it to meet this use case. I, alas, do not have the time.

I guess this extension is exactly what you need:

Default Value Textarea

Ha. I knew someone would be able to whip this up quickly. A fellow Brazilian no less ;)

I may be Brazilian, but we are all Symphonians! :D

Thanks for always you help me Joao!

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