
i have different domens, and want to choose language by there.(more diff rules there) i need to create my global $param ($lang), and after that get dimamic xml by that param.

how to create my global $lang? =) i should write a extention? its no problem in a whole block/structure, but i dont know lines how to create my $param =)

As far as I understand you have different domain names for each language your website has content for?

I would probably use the Language Redirect extension as a foundation. This, together with the Multilingual Field extension, will allow you to serve different language content based on a language code in the URL, where the language code is exposed as a parameter as well ($url-language). So would refer to the norwegian (no) version of a page.

Then you’d add URL rewrite rules to your .htaccess file which maps each domain to different languages. For example to map every request to to the norwegian version you’d have:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} yoursite\.no
RewriteRule (.+)$1 [L]

I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for, but I hope it helps you somehow.

Or you could use the Global Param Loader extension with a rule similar to

return substr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],0,strrpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],'.'));

thanks for advise

i’ll try to make // // *

and =)

get Global Param Loader ext.

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