
Sorry for the basic question, but what’s the best way to redirect to an external URL? I keep getting an error 404.

I’m trying to redirect:


My normal htaccess rules keep bringing up Symphony’s 404 page.

Thanks! Bill

Can you post your .htaccess rule?

It looks like this: RewriteRule ^/music/jazz$$1 [R,L]

The problem seems to be that Symphony intercepts the request and can’t find the link, serving up a 404.

It seems like I want to do something like this forward page event, but the code is missing. Michael, I see that you had written something similar, could you possibly repost the event code please? Thanks!

I don’ t see any reason why a htaccess rule should not work if you place it before the Symphony rewrite rules. But it looks as if your rule is wrong. Try it without the leading slash, like this:

RewriteRule ^music/jazz$$1 [R,L]

You won’t need an event to do this unless you want to use conditions like “the user is not logged-in”.

Awesome, it worked! Thank you Michael!

You are welcome!

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