
Though I do not have it explicitly stated in my xslt, the following shows up from a datasource that is attached to one of my pages:

“Events Youth Easter Egg Hunt for all children! 2011-01-28 2011-01-24 Super Fun Day Woot”

What could be causing this? I’ve checked what I thought could have been the cause in my xslt, but it was still visible on the frontend.

I have attached the xml and xslt for anyone who has a free moment to review. Please let me know if you need more information.

Thanks, Chris Truett

Would you mind posting your XML and XSLT at I don’t see it attached.

Hi ctruett,

We can confirm if you get the xslt posted, but I’m betting you are applying templates (maybe without a select) to the datasource and seeing the output of the xslt default template rules

Sorry about that, I had attached them but they didn’t post for some reason.



What’s strange is that it is behaving in the same way on other pages with different xsl templates.

Thanks for the help, both of you.

Chris Truett

You have to add another template.

<xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="data/ministries" />

Thanks, phoque. That block of code helped me pin down some other errors as well, so now it’s all sorted out.

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