
I’m not really sure what the issue is here. I recently upgrade Symphony and I am receiving this error on one of my Admin Content sections. In particular my Blog that I have set up. I can’t figure out why this error is being thrown, or more like, what is causing the error.

Anyone run into this, or have any clue?

rawurlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
/nfs/c02/h12/mnt/28112/domains/ line 255

250                                 sprintf(
251                                     '%s/symphony/publish/%s/?filter=%s:%s',
252                                     URL,
253                                     $as->get('handle'),
254                                     $field->get('element_name'),
255                                     rawurlencode($search_value)
256                                 ),
257                                 $entry->get('id'),
258                                 'content')
259                         );
  1. What version of Symphony are you running (before and after the upgrade)?
  2. What field is being filtered on (type, Input, Textarea etc)?
  3. Are you able to var_dump the value for $search_value?

Thanks for the response!

  1. I am currently running 2.1.2 and upgraded from Symphony 2 Beta r5
  2. This happens when I visit this url: so no filter except for whatever it does by default.
  3. Here’s the var_dump, obviously it’s passing an array and breaking stuff, but why it is grabbing an array I’m not sure.

view var_dump

I am currently running 2.1.2 and upgraded from Symphony 2 Beta r5

Yikes, this might be the problem. I’m not sure if things are completely compatible that far back. I presume you’re using a Section Link field to manage relationships. This is now deprecated and replaced by a field called *Select Box Link, but I’m not sure how you’d go about upgrading one to the other…

Perhaps the best course of action would be to try and update the Section Link field to use with Symphony 2.1+, but I don’t know how easy that will be.

In short, I don’t recall there being an “officiual” upgrade path from S2beta r5 to 2.0.3 and beyond. The updater script for Symphony only deals with versions as far back as 2.0.3.

Ok, awesome! I did some further searching and came across this, which solved my issue:

From what I recall, the main issue when upgrading from Symphony 2 Beta revision 5 is indeed the Section Link field. To update the Section Link field, there are some instructions that Alistair put together about updating to Symphony 2.0.2 involving the replacement of the Section Link field with the Select Box Link field. This will get you started, but there are some other details that are missing about the structure of the Select Box Link table. I seem to remember matching the table structure, then manually relinking the Select Box Link field, since the field was pointing to the wrong entry IDs.

Edit: Doh! Too slow.

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