
A new Extension, “jQuery Date Picker” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Enables the Date Picker that's part of the jQuery UI package on all date fields. Barebones implementation so far. You have to change the date format manually, same goes for any additional options you might want.

It's up on GitHub if you want to check it out.

I can't get this to work, I've uploaded the folder to /extensions/ and it just doesn't show up in my Extensions tab. Any ideas? Thanks.

edit: Doh-Git Hub replaced the underscores with dashes in the folder name, nevermind!

My bad. Didn't think carefully enough about naming my repository to match the folder name. I've updated the repository name so it should work now (link above is updated), unfortunately that means you'll have to reclone it.

Nice work!

Updated to work with the 2.0.3 release of Symphony. The previous jQuery-included version is available as tag v1.0.

Not working here on 2.0.7 release. When you click on a date field nothing happens. Anyone have the same problem?

On 2.0.6 was working well.

Tested here and works fine for me—think it’s probably this error that’s tripping you up, it breaks JS on /publish/ pages.

Works now! Thanks buddy!

The mentioned commit does not actually fix the core JS bug. Have a look here for the real fix:

Thanks Nils, updated here.

And guys, I interests anyone I made the extension works not only with default Date Field but also with Repeating Date Field, just chagend the file jquery_date_pickerassetsinitialise.js to look like this:

  * Init date picker
  jQuery(".field-date input").datepicker(
      dateFormat: 'd MM yy' // e.g., 15 June 2009
  jQuery(".repeatingdate input").datepicker(
      dateFormat: 'd MM yy' // e.g., 15 June 2009

I’ve updated this to work with the “Repeating Date Field” extension.

jQuery Date Picker updated to version 1.2 on 8th of March 2010

Could you please update this extension so it works with S2.2? The layout now gets a little messed up :-S alt text


To fix the layout problem in v2.2 edit ui.theme.css and add the following line to eg. the end of the file.

#ui-datepicker-div td { padding: 0; }

@Makenosound: I sent you a pull request which fixed the CSS-problem in Symphony 2.2


There seems to be a problem with z-ordering of the pop-up div against certain elements of the publish page. When the calendar window shows up, it's overlayed by the navigation stripe and the SubSection Manager widget (if the datepicker window collides with these elements).

Setting #ui-datepicker-div's z-order property to a sufficiently high value doesn't work at all. The issue seems to be browser independent. Maybe there's some JS to blame here.

Has anybody managed to solve this problem?

There seems to be a problem with z-ordering of the pop-up div against certain elements of the publish page. When the calendar window shows up, it's overlayed by the navigation stripe and the SubSection Manager widget (if the datepicker window collides with these elements).

Setting #ui-datepicker-div's z-order property to a sufficiently high value doesn't work at all. The issue seems to be browser independent. Maybe there's some JS to blame here.

Has anybody managed to solve this problem?

I, too, am having issues with this. Can anyone help?

Actually, @wjnielsen helped me figure this out.

In this specific file, extensions/jquerydatepicker/assets/ui.datepicker.css, updated the css to...

.ui-datepicker { width: 17em; padding: .2em .2em 0; z-index:99999;}

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