

Quick question re. Subsection Manager drag and drop feature. I have 2 SM inside a 'news' section, one for images, one for documents.

The drag and drop of images is outputting an absolute path to the image, while the drag and drop of documents is outputting a relative path starting with /uploads/... which is no good since the uploads folder is inside of the workspace folder.

Is there any way to customize this at all?

On a side note, dragging and dropping outputs the markdown syntax twice but this bug is already logged.

Thanks in advance.

All uploads will always be inside workspace, so I presume that's why it is omitted. I think the intention us to use XSLT to parse the HTML for images (using the ninja technique) and to rebuild image elements, adding in $workspace. Maybe.

ah ok, trouble is it's outputting '/uploads/' not 'uploads/'

Onto ninja it is then. Cheers Nick.

Actually, no... No can do ninja since documents use anchors which would conflict with other anchors pointing to web pages. That's not a solution for documents like pdf files, or am I missing something?

Could you explain a bit more? You lost me at "since documents use anchors".

:) sorry, the docs being dropped inside the news article via subsection manager are referenced like so:

[doc name](/uploads/docname.pdf)

Which produces

<a href="/uploads/docname.pdf">doc name</a>

If I use the ninja technique to go through all <a>s, I'm gonna need some kind of huge regex to make sure that I'm only changing <a>s pointing to documents such as pdfs, docs, xsl, or whatever else the authors decide to link to.

You can always customize your output by specifying a drop caption. So you could additional information needed for later XSL processing (e. g. using the ninja technique).

Hmm, sounds like a good solution, could you explain a bit more Nils? Are we talking adding some text to 'Caption' such as

{$document-title} isdoc

I'm talking about adding a custom drop text that - if specified - will be used instead of the caption when dropping an item to a textarea:

Drop Text


Great, didn't realize this could be customized to such an extent.

So I could simply go with


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