
Thought it would be interesting to share interesting xml/xslt use in other applications. And maybe how the these can inspire, or hook into symphony. When enough info is here, maybe it can be structured into the (new) wiki;


online forms



magento and satchmo use xslt in parts
andy clarke's karova is .net xslt

google (and other) apps clouds feeds

all data availabe as xml, through call

machups and screen scrapers


usefull 'static' global datafeeds

european central bank exchange rate of euro


voicexml used by tringme (click to call), asterix pbx,....


no xml solution yet
habla is pretty hot though

desktop applications

things gtd app
delicious library book management (and eshop)


There is still some discussion on 'better' templating languages then xslt, but lets keep that to another thread...

clientside transformations

Jeni - with the nice tutorials- has some cool experiments



Another interesting example is Adobe's use of XSL stylesheets to generate ActionScript documentation for classes and methods. As part of the open source Adobe Flex 3 SDK, a command line program called ASDoc is provided to generate HTML documentation (such as the the ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference) by iterating through class files in a specified class path and parsing comments that have been formatted according to the conventions outlined in the ASDoc documentation.

It would be interesting to see if it is possible to use a similar process for documenting the inner workings of Symphony.

It might also be interesting to find out more about the uses of xml in ecommerce in .net and other more proprietary, less openly discussed systems.
And applications of XLIFF for internationalisation of content, as used by one of the members here

Here's a REST API for Xbox Gamertag Data

Use '+' for any spaces in your gamer tag name. This link will give you all the Xbox Live information about your gamer tag in XML.

I currently use it on my site.

Well, as soon as I post this, the service gets spotty. It's was reliable for a long time. maybe they're updating things ...

I've noticed that Cultured Code's Things app stores everything in an xml file. I currently store my Things DB in a Dropbox so it syncs among my machines. I'm thinking of playing with GETing the db from Dropbox into a webpage (just need to have an auth cookie in th request.) I haven't checked out the write functionality, but I'm guessing it could just be a POST. Dropbox doesn't have a published API unfortunately.

Another Xbox Live API:

Lots more options. (For info on the community site.)

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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