Forbidden (403) page not displayed
This is an open discussion with 9 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
Have you tried page types?
Yes, I'm using page types.
So you've got a 403 page created, and it's not being displayed?
Nop :(
However, the 404 page is displayed correctly. That's why I'm lost.
Thanks for your help Craig. :)
To really understand what you do please let me ask two questions:
- What is being displayed? (Is it the server's 403 page? Or Symphony's default 403 page?)
- Why do you expect Symphony to display a 403 page?
Hi Michael,
Sorry, I omitted this info because I thought it was obvious:
1) The server's 403 page. 2) I'm pointing the browser to a forbidden place like
Thanks, Juan
By default Symphony will not interfere with Apache's 403 functionality. So Symphony's 403 page (a default one, or your custom 403 page) will only be thrown when a page is forbidden by Symphony functionality. You should, for example, see your custom 403 page if you try to access a page with a page type of "Admin" without being logged in to Symphony.
If you want Symphony's 403 page to be delivered for every 403 occurrence, you can make Apache do this by adding a rule to your .htaccess
file (above the Symphony part):
ErrorDocument 403 /error-403/
(In this example your 403 page's handle is error-403
Ok, that clarifies everything. I think this should be mentioned in the documentation to avoid confusion.
Thanks Michael and Graig. :)
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Hi guys,
I just wanted to know if you have managed to create a custom 403 error page. Symphony is catching 404 errors correctly, but is missing the 403. This happens in my computer (mac os 10.6.6 and in my live site in bluehost).
I noticed that also doesn't display a custom 403 error page. Try
I'm using Symphony 2.2.
Do you know how Symphony handles error pages internally?
Thanks, Juan