

I was hoping that someone could help me with the following error...

Unknown column 'sa.hideassociation' in 'where clause' An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query SELECT SQLCACHE * FROM sym_sections_association AS sa, sym_sections AS s WHERE sa.parent_section_id = 1 AND = sa.child_section_id AND sa.hide_association = 'no' ORDER BY s.sortorder ASC

Symphony works fine except then attempting to look at the data in any of the sections i.e /Symphony/Publish/

I think this came about after upgrading to 2.2 but I've not really noticed till after I did quite a bit of work as I was working around in the pages, datasources and the front end.

Any help would be appreciated as if now I'll have to start over in a fresh install, something I would like to avoid if at all possible!

Cheers Brendt

I also have the exact same problem and it started happening after I upgraded from 2.1.2 to 2.2

I'm a retard, I hit the install.php file and not update.php. DOH!

Unknown column 'sa.hideassociation' in 'where clause' An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query SELECT SQLCACHE * FROM symsectionsassociation AS sa, symsections AS s WHERE sa.parentsectionid = 1 AND = sa.childsectionid AND sa.hideassociation = 'no' ORDER BY s.sortorder ASC

Symphony works fine except then attempting to look at the data in any of the sections i.e /symphony/publish/of the sections i.e /symphony/publish/

I'm having the same problem after updating from 2.0.6 to 2.2.3. Any ideas?

Sounds like the update script hasn't done its thing. The cascading_deletion column should be named hide_association.

There could be a load of other queries that didn't run too. Did it say it updated successfully, without errors?

@nickdunn - That was the case. For some odd reason, it didn't add or removed the sym_fields_author table. I think my install was corrupted. I went ahead and added that table back in, and everything works fine after the update.


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