

I am getting an error Headers already sent. Cannot start session. when trying to access my website in the browser (see attached screenshot).

I've already deleted the cookie for this project but nothing's changed.

Can anybody tell me what's wrong here?

Thanks and Happy Easter.

@Tintin81 -

The screenshot is missing. Would you mind posting the screenshot?

Oops, sorry. Here you go...


@Tintin81 - what version of Symphony are you running? Also, what version of PHP are you running on your server?

Right off the bat, it looks like you are experiencing some permissions issues.

Hi Brian,

I am running Symphony 2.2, which I downloaded in March I think, and PHP5.

I just checked all the permissions according to the installation tutorial. But nothing changed.

Was it running before? Or is this a new installation you just put up. If it was running ok before, did you activate in any extensions recently.

What version of PHP5?

Also, you might consider clearing out your sessions table and clear out your cache.

I'd also assume a permissions problem. Please double-check owner and permissions of the manifest/logs directory and the logfile itself.

As a simple test you might set the permissions on the directory and the log file to 777 (but please revert them to something reasonable afterwards).

Hi Brian,

I am not entirely sure about which version of PHP5 it is. It is a shared server, and I am running several Symphony sites on it, without any problems.

Where exactly is the sessions table located? By cache you mean browser cache? I already cleared it.

The thing is that I haven't touched the site in a few days. Today, I wanted to launch it in the browser, and got this ugly error message.

Could it be that my client caused the error by trying to upload an image or sending a form mail or changing their passwords? The problem is I can't ask them right now...

Huh! Michael was right...

I just changed permissions on logs to 777 and all went back to normal.

But what could have happened there if I haven't touched the site in a few days...?

@Michael: What would be a reasonable permission on logs?

But what could have happened there if I haven't touched the site in a few days...?

If I understood the error correctly, it happend when Symphony tried to gzip the logfile. So it was the logfile being too full/old (I'm not sure about this at the moment) which caused the problem – the gzipped file could not be written because the permissions were insufficient. So actually your permissions were not right, otherwise this would not happen.

@Michael: What would be a reasonable permission on logs?

That's the question. :-) This actually depends on the hosting environment. And on the following: Has Symphony created the directory upon installation (which means that the owner will be the PHP user on the server) or have you uploaded it via FTP (which means that, well, you get the point...)?

Let's assume that the owner is PHP. In this case try 0755 for the directory and 0644 for the log file.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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