(Solved) Submenu structure problem
This is an open discussion with 8 replies, filed under General.
list not showing the way I wanted it ...
who/what/where are the subpages of about ...
Can you post your page XML please.
Got it solved ...
I created 2 datasources / 2 utilities called : navigation / subnavigation ... I filtered navigation to only show main pages ... I filtered subnavigation to only show sub pages ...
<navigation> <page handle="about" id="2"> <name>About</name> <types> <type>main</type> </types> <page handle="who" id="3"> <name>Who</name> <types> <type>sub</type> </types> </page> <page handle="what" id="4"> <name>What</name> <types> <type>sub</type> </types> </page> </page> <page handle="portfolio" id="7"> <name>Portfolio</name> <types> <type>main</type> </types> </page> <page handle="contact" id="8"> <name>Contact</name> <types> <type>main</type> </types> </page> </navigation> <subnavigation> <page handle="who" id="3"> <name>Who</name> <types> <type>sub</type> </types> </page> <page handle="what" id="4"> <name>What</name> <types> <type>sub</type> </types> </page> </subnavigation>
Lol ... weird text box ...
You could also use an XSLT utility like Multilevel Navigation. It will expand and collapse the child-branches automatically depending on where you are in the tree.
Just needed a main and a sub menu bar like getsymphony.com website ...
One level, two levels... a hundred levels. The principle is always the same. :-)
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Been playing with Symphony Menu/Submenu for a while now but without success. My pages structure is like:
home about - who - what - where portfolio contact
My goal is to have a menu like the Symphony site. A main menu bar with a submenu bar underneath. I was playing in IE8 and my subnavigation.xsl even ate my subpages lol. Could someone help me out a bit as I can't find the solution elsewhere.
Ive created the navigation and subnavigation datasources and utilities and included them on every page.