

I know how to solve it, but I'm not sure my solution is the best one.

There are entries in XML.

<entry id="1"... ></entry>
<entry id="2"... ></entry>
<entry id="3"... ></entry>
<entry id="50"... ></entry>

Now, I want to have them grouped in groups of three, like:

<li>Title from entry 1</li>
<li>Title from entry 2</li>
<li>Title from entry 3</li>
<li>Title from entry 4</li>
<li>Title from entry 5</li>
<li>Title from entry 6</li>
<li>Title from entry 49</li>
<li>Title from entry 50</li>

What is the best way in your opinion to achieve this?

This link gives some solutions, one particularly cute in my opinion:

<xsl:template match="data">
    <xsl:for-each select="entry[position() mod $max = 1]" >
         <xsl:for-each select="self::entry |
          following-sibling::entry[position() < $max]>

However, I don't get the "self::entry" expression in a for loop which is already iterating over "entry" nodes. In this case I would assume that "self::entry" means tag nested in another tag, but, as this the example works, it's not the case. Strange...

Wow, I'm not the only one troubled by that :) Thank you Nick!

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